The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Highest Food Quality in The Region That Has No Big Banks

Professional food critics dined out at restaurants and popped into home kitchens to judge ingredient quality, creativity, and diversity of food.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 2,568th in the world for Highest Food Quality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Several Showerless Semesters of SmegScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Take it easy... but take it!”
22.The Republic of MasilovaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Salus Populi Suprema Lex”
23.The County of LotarmyScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Peace and Justice”
24.The Empire of Hot CatboysScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Cats and boys, a perfect combination”
25.The Commonwealth of ScooteristanDemocratic Socialists“Be chill, be cool, be excellent”
26.The Commonwealth of MjauLeft-wing Utopia“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.”
27.The Polite Republic of Greater DrussiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Poutines for everyone”
28.The Tumblr using nation of EnvoiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“trans rights”
29.The Nudist Colony of Yodle 12Left-Leaning College State“Friendship”
30.The Borderlands of TaraoLeft-wing Utopia“People, Homeland, Liberty”
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