The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Most Advanced Public Education in The Region That Has No Big Banks

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 2,996th in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
271.The United Kingdom of FrankelanAuthoritarian Democracy“ITS Ali e”
272.The Republic of The-island-of-NublarCorporate Bordello“.”
273.The Holy Empire of The Holy Cult of JuliaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I miss Andrew, I miss him a lot.”
274.The Republic of ReastalistanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You don't like Ukraine?”
275.The Federal Republic of Nova tupaNew York Times Democracy“Ordem e progresso”
276.The Republic of KorolkholmLiberal Democratic Socialists“After life - death, after death - life again.”
277.The Queendom of TerrifiosMother Knows Best State“Terrifios Aeternus”
278.The Matriarchy of TRTHNBB SweezeLeft-wing Utopia“nya!”
279.The Kingdom of PlartoniaMoralistic Democracy“Protect the weak, fight the strong”
280.The Empire of PurelinLibertarian Police State“Think Bigger”
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