The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Most Inclusive in The Region That Has No Big Banks

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 1,752nd in the world for Most Inclusive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
261.The Borderlands of New OstainCivil Rights Lovefest“Hehe”
262.The Republic of NemandiaCivil Rights Lovefest“If God never existed we would not exist either”
263.The Holy Blue Republic of Paul RyanFather Knows Best State“NationStates”
264.The Holy Empire of The Holy Cult of JuliaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I miss Andrew, I miss him a lot.”
265.The Holy Blue Rectange of Lovely BonesCorrupt Dictatorship“NationStates”
266.The Democratic Republic of Kion NixCivil Rights Lovefest“Leave us Alone”
267.The United Kingdom of FrankelanAuthoritarian Democracy“ITS Ali e”
268.The Holy Empire of SiabiaDemocratic Socialists“Wait and let the stars aline”
269.The TKM Main Character of Scout FinchDemocratic Socialists“I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.”
270.The Republic of AmarrniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“With success there is life”
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