The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Most Developed in The Region That Has No Big Banks

The World Census compiles a "Human Development Index" by measuring citizens' average life expectancy, education, and income.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 3,961st in the world for Most Developed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Altruistic Republic of EftichiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom Through Altruism”
22.The People's Republic of SeychelliaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Strength from the populace”
23.The Reunited States of ArdeynDemocratic Socialists“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
24.The County of LotarmyScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Peace and Justice”
25.The Republic of MasilovaDemocratic Socialists“Salus Populi Suprema Lex”
26.The United Socialist States of OchelagaIron Fist Socialists“United in Purpose”
27.The Commonwealth of MjauLeft-wing Utopia“The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.”
28.The United States of Rogue RiverLeft-Leaning College State“All Who Attack Are Defeated”
29.The Polite Republic of Greater DrussiScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Poutines for everyone”
30.The Enlightened Republic of SouthseaLeft-wing Utopia“🎶Our Songs Will Be Sung!🎶”
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