The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Most Extreme in The Region That Has No Big Banks

The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 15,091st in the world for Most Extreme.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Elite Ambassador of Working Class EliteLiberal Democratic Socialists“Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime”
32.The Community of PostgateLeft-wing Utopia“Cosy socks for all”
33.The Restored Dual Monarchy of Pinevilla-EvanereichIron Fist Consumerists“In memory of Pinevilla and Evanereich”
34.The Tie-Dye Republic of Mars HotelLeft-wing Utopia“Everybody is playing in the heart of gold band...”
35.The United Kingdom of FrankelanAuthoritarian Democracy“ITS Ali e”
36.The United Socialist States of EnteCorrupt Dictatorship“Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch”
37.The Federation of VeireceCorporate Police State“Better Dead then Red”
38.The Socialist Republic of Rica NardisPsychotic Dictatorship“Socialism For All!”
39.The Republic of Large BeeLiberal Democratic Socialists“BZZZZZZZZZZ”
40.The Empire of The PowerhouseIron Fist Consumerists“The Empire will stand”
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