The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Best Weather in The Region That Has No Big Banks

The following nations were determined to have the best all-round weather.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 1,799th in the world for Best Weather.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Republic of Krayo29Democratic Socialists“Vive y deja vivir”
12.The Federal Republic of OphaesiaLeft-Leaning College State“All for All”
13.The Meritocratic Commonwealth of PragmatikotitaDemocratic Socialists“Evolution Through Contemplation”
14.The Communist Collective of UnatScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Power through the people”
15.The Eternal Democratic Republic of BlustanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Peace, Freedom, Equality and Justice”
16.The Purple Consciousness of OldmanzakkDemocratic Socialists“In the Name of Science”
17.The Several Showerless Semesters of SmegScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Take it easy... but take it!”
18.The Most Serene Republic of Illuminous Tee SwirlLiberal Democratic Socialists“Nation like a cup of tea warmed by dragons breath.”
19.The President Emeritus of Bernie NationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“When you hurt, when your children hurt, I hurt. I hurt.”
20.The Enlightened Republic of SouthseaLeft-wing Utopia“🎶Our Songs Will Be Sung!🎶”
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