The Region That Has No Big BanksWorld Census

The Most Extensive Public Healthcare in The Region That Has No Big Banks

World Census interns were infected with obscure diseases in order to test which nations had the most effective and well-funded public healthcare facilities.

As a region, The Region That Has No Big Banks is ranked 2,762nd in the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The United Socialist States of EnteCorrupt Dictatorship“Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch”
32.The People's Republic of HitentherpsDemocratic Socialists“Might Makes Right”
33.The Altruistic Republic of EftichiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom Through Altruism”
34.The Christmas Borderlands of Mad CitizensDemocratic Socialists“Alive and kicking”
35.The Primitive People's Republic of VitorianianiaIron Fist Consumerists“We may be primitive, but we are not not stupid”
36.The Socialist Republic of Rica NardisPsychotic Dictatorship“Socialism For All!”
37.The Meritocratic Commonwealth of PragmatikotitaDemocratic Socialists“Evolution Through Contemplation”
38.The Absurd Conglomeration of Chronic and Violent IBSDemocratic Socialists“Crapitalism does not Slapitalism.”
39.The Commonwealth of ScooteristanDemocratic Socialists“Be chill, be cool, be excellent”
40.The Most Serene Republic of Illuminous Tee SwirlLiberal Democratic Socialists“Nation like a cup of tea warmed by dragons breath.”
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