The Potato AllianceWorld Census

The Most Compassionate Citizens in The Potato Alliance

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, The Potato Alliance is ranked 20,305th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Commonwealth of Non SequiturLeft-wing Utopia“Soli Deo Gloria”
2.The Radiated Fortress Republic of British FreeDemocratic Socialists“Naatsiiaavugut, aamma ajugaaniarpugut!”
3.The Republic of Wisching for PotatoesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Potatoes....”
4.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 1Left-Leaning College State“Mission Accomplished”
5.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 2Anarchy“Peace and Justice”
6.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 3Libertarian Police State“Twirling Toward Freedom”
7.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 4Capitalist Paradise“God, Homeland, Liberty”
8.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 5Capitalizt“Strength Through Compliance”
9.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 6Corporate Bordello“Might Makes Right”
10.The Republic of Wisching for Potatoes 7Anarchy“Unity, Discipline, Work”