The PacificWorld Census

The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in the Pacific

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
71.The Oppressed Peoples of AlbangogleAuthoritarian Democracy“Might Makes Right”
72.The People's Republic of AlbarbolaDemocratic Socialists“You Can't Stop Progress”
73.The Protectorate of AlbazinoIron Fist Consumerists“Съ на́ми Богъ | 上帝與我們同在!”
74.The Diktatur of Alex-GerIron Fist Consumerists“Wir tun alles für unseren Führer”
75.The Principality of Alex and the southern easterm islandsCivil Rights Lovefest“Never back down, never give up”
76.The Theocracy of AleyoshinertheAuthoritarian Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
77.The Empire of Algida-IceboundFather Knows Best State“Through Ice and Gemstone, we rise as one”
78.The Republic of AlkinooslandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ρητό...”
79.The Democratic States of AlkvistanglayanNew York Times Democracy“Pride and Industry”
80.The Republic of All-RuscoviaCivil Rights Lovefest“Ostendamus mundo spiritum auctorem!”
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