The OutbackWorld Census

The Most Stationary in the Outback

Long-term World Census surveillance revealed which nations have been resident in their current region for the longest time.

As a region, the Outback is ranked 27,266th in the world for Most Stationary.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Commonwealth of Thylarctos PlummetusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Large, arboreal, predatory marsupial”
2.The First of the Outback of VeruzInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Всегда так фашистам!”
3.The Shaper City-State of DrypeakPsychotic Dictatorship“The Shaper's rule is absolute.”
4.The Herta of CardichisticstanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Ruan Mei is brat.”
5.The Disputed Territories of AtalayNew York Times Democracy“Imperialism and Might”
6.The Kingdom of AppendiciaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Many, One”
7.The Caffeinated Corporations of Half CafCapitalist Paradise“Sleep is for the poor”
8.The Empire of TerannicalIron Fist Consumerists“Where the stars are brighter, and the Wi-Fi nonexistent”
9.The Towering Terror of The GodzillaFather Knows Best State“Hail The Lizard!”
10.The Armed Republic of Charles BronsonCorporate Bordello“I got the job because I could belch on cue.”
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