The OutbackWorld Census

The Lowest Crime Rates in the Outback

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

As a region, the Outback is ranked 12,874th in the world for Lowest Crime Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of Nationalist KiwisCorrupt Dictatorship“Who doesn't love a CCTV bush?”
2.The Hallowed Kingdom of Santa-BarbaraPsychotic Dictatorship“Glory to the newborn King”
3.The Noodleness of Haley RamenMother Knows Best State“❤ ~We will annex you with kindness!~ ❤”
4.The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of KSN62Iron Fist Consumerists“wo' toy'taHvIS Hegh 'e' tul Hoch tlhIngan”
5.The Demented Marsupials of KangaroocourtInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We Love Football, Meat Pies, Kangaroos and Holden Cars.”
6.The Room 101 of FrotescaPsychotic Dictatorship“Freedom is Slavery. Time does not exist-You don't exist”
7.The Rogue Nation of MSN14Psychotic Dictatorship“1977”
8.The ☠ DEATHSHEAD HUSSAR ☠ BB of WaffenBrightonburgAuthoritarian Democracy“☠ DEATHS HEAD HUSSAR☠”
9.The Rogue Nation of MSN12Moralistic Democracy“1977”
10.The Constitutional Monarchy of LadolodiaDemocratic Socialists“In Concordia, Fortitudo”
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