The North PacificWorld Census

The Most Avoided in The North Pacific

Nations ranked highly are considered by many to be the most inhospitable, charmless, and ghastly places to spend a vacation, or, indeed, any time at all.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,967th in the world for Most Avoided.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,751.The People's Republic of PinopeleanoPsychotic Dictatorship“By The People For The People 由人民創造,為人民服務”
5,752.The Imperial Sovereign Fleet of RegallioPsychotic Dictatorship“Empires are merely sand, only the tides are forever.”
5,753.The Sexual Hell and Paradise of Defreo Tay CyangtonPsychotic Dictatorship“Come to touch, be touched, and annoy lobbyists.”
5,754.The Unified Federation Republic of Nerd and Geek LandDemocratic Socialists“Long Live King Auron”
5,755.The Empire of VertuzaFather Knows Best State“Ad Maiorem Imperatorem Gloriam”
5,756.The Republic of East WaliInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Our Life for Our Nation”
5,757.The Understated Modesty of FlemingoviaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Irresponsible and immature”
5,758.The Kingdom of LatvoriaCorrupt Dictatorship“We master all that lies before”
5,759.The North Pacific Dweller of ZazumoLeft-Leaning College State“Join The North Pacific Army!”
5,760.The Equivocal Extraterrestrial of Allied StumblerLeft-Leaning College State“The realization of the absurd requires revolt”
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