The North PacificWorld Census

The Most Authoritarian in The North Pacific

World Census staff loitered innocuously in various public areas and recorded the length of time that passed before they were approached by dark-suited officials.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 6,930th in the world for Most Authoritarian.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Republic of Marshall MaximizerPsychotic Dictatorship“Down to hell you’re falling in a haze”
32.The People's Republic of Sergey KrajakinPsychotic Dictatorship“Death for the Motherland.”
33.The Holy Empire of New ApretrocotionkaPsychotic Dictatorship“God, Homeland, Liberty”
34.The Republic of TalinistanPsychotic Dictatorship“Motto...”
35.The Republic of ZamuriginanajerPsychotic Dictatorship“Zamansuddu”
36.The Empire of OhioionPsychotic Dictatorship“Ohioion namaste I am not subject to the statute of limi”
37.The Constitutional Monarchy of Speechuueyehhelpi3883Psychotic Dictatorship“Pride and Industry”
38.The Republic of May LaiPsychotic Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
39.The Commonwealth of NewelafordomPsychotic Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
40.The Disputed Territories of Cruzeiro UnidosPsychotic Dictatorship“Brigas mortes disputar territórios”
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