The North PacificWorld Census

The Largest Furniture Restoration Industry in The North Pacific

World Census analysts spend quiet weekends in the countryside in order to determine which nations have the largest Furniture Restoration industries.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 10,587th in the world for Largest Furniture Restoration Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Federation of States of BagojoCorrupt Dictatorship“Federation of States of Europe”
2.The Dictatorship of CorfadCorporate Police State“Strength through unity, Unity Through Faith”
3.The Eternal Land of LoutslandIron Fist Consumerists“Ignorance is the only sin.”
4.The Walled Cities of EretzIsraelCorporate Bordello“בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה‎”
5.The Post-Communist Kleptocracy of EuraustralasamericaCorporate Police State“Yvan eht nioj”
6.The Some Random TNPer of Some Random TNP NationAuthoritarian Democracy“Wow! so Random”
7.The Plutocratic Banana Republic of ZerentopiaCorporate Police State“The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets”
8.The Republic of War Dogs LXIIInoffensive Centrist Democracy“To the front you scurvy dogs!”
9.The Principality of NorthieMoralistic Democracy“North of the North Pacific”
10.The Protectoral Zone of Autonomous Trans-AntarcticaFather Knows Best State“Progress can not be stopped”
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