The North PacificWorld Census

The Largest Mining Sector in The North Pacific

World Census experts measured the volume of stuff removed from the ground to determine which nations have the largest mining industries.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 11,023rd in the world for Largest Mining Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,811.The Republic of ElomaniaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Flapjacks are good”
5,812.The Bisexual Dolphins of Oceanica EmpireDemocratic Socialists“Uniting Everyone”
5,813.The Holy Empire of The Peoples Republic of KyleInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Peace, freedom, justice, and security to The Empire!”
5,814.The 🃏 Eternal Slave to Cards 🃏 of Destructive Government Endorsing SystemPsychotic Dictatorship“Send telegrams= Destructive Government Economic System”
5,815.The Free Land of Nord BottenInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
5,816.The Democratic Republic of TrilliusLeft-wing Utopia“From Many, One”
5,817.The United Socialist States of Sile MaungistanCivil Rights Lovefest“Unus Pro Omnibus”
5,818.The Republic of LacomiaLeft-wing Utopia“Hello My Good Sir”
5,819.The Confederated Fortress-Cities of ArtyolaeDemocratic Socialists“Progress, Freedom and Safety above all else.”
5,820.The Neutral Republic of New FredoeniaDemocratic Socialists“You know what that is? Simply Lovely.”
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