The MaritimesWorld Census

The Largest Pizza Delivery Sector in The Maritimes

World Census staff spent many nights answering the front door in order to measure which nations have the biggest Pizza Delivery industries.

As a region, The Maritimes is ranked 13,235th in the world for Largest Pizza Delivery Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dazzling Reflection of Blue NarcissusMoralistic Democracy“демократія”
2.The Yugoslav Federative Republic of HrstrovokiaIron Fist Consumerists“Права хришћанска земља”
3.The Tumbling Waves of Charlottetown IslandersIron Fist Consumerists“The fiddle's incomplete without the dance.”
4.The Dominion of Canada JackCivil Rights Lovefest“Vive le Canada libre !”
5.The Oppressed Peoples of Cybernetic Ultimate HyenaFather Knows Best State“Worship the Machine”
6.The Dominion of CFCYAnarchy“The Friendly Voice of the Maritimes”
7.The Childhood Memory of Chocolate LakeLeft-Leaning College State“Peace”
8.The Eternal Whispers of 1943Liberal Democratic Socialists“Remember”
9.The Nomadic Peoples of La ChicaneLeft-wing Utopia“Tout le monde est méchant à son heure.”
10.The Kingdom of River RatsScandinavian Liberal Paradise“We've not drowned yet.”