The LeagueWorld Census

The Most Valuable International Artwork in The League

Some nations attempt to collect signature artworks of other nations, developing collections known as "decks." The World Census has estimated their value.

As a region, The League is ranked 82nd in the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Most Serene Republic of New San AntonioLiberal Democratic Socialists“Our chains broken, but bonds strong”
12.The Former Largest Black Hole of TON 618Democratic Socialists“GALACTIC CONSUMER”
13.The Holy Traditionalist Empire of CreeperopolisIron Fist Consumerists“Devajo Dios yel Emperador”
14.The Idyllic Utopian Empire of The Union of Ibistic StatesIron Fist Consumerists“Life is not Fair”
15.The Eternal Kingdom of NarkinaCorporate Police State“Leave the road, take the trails”
16.The Diehard Steelers Fan of BootyswanaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The standard is the standard”
17.The Civic Republic of Everetunga-HariInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Solidarity Through Trade”
18.The Commonwealth of MountingtonLeft-wing Utopia“From people, to people”
19.The People's Republic of AraliaCorrupt Dictatorship“Our sea died down, but we shall prevail”
20.The Holy Empire of ChajeljaMoralistic Democracy“I Want to be Free From Desolation and Despair”
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