The East PacificWorld Census

The Largest Publishing Industry in The East Pacific

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, The East Pacific is ranked 8,357th in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The People's Republic of GoodnamesarerareDemocratic Socialists“Bush sucks!”
2.The United States of Greater SomaliaLeft-wing Utopia“For my clan”
3.The Unified Tracts of ElejamieLeft-Leaning College State“Inimicum quamvis humilem metuendem est”
4.The Kingdom of KaigiCorrupt Dictatorship“If you lived here, you'd be eating pie by now.”
5.The Colony of IridaeScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For the good of life and liberty”
6.The Nomadic Peoples of LudewaDemocratic Socialists“Ukimwiga tembo kunya utapasuka mkundu.”
7.The Federation of Republic of BerzerkistanNew York Times Democracy“Justice , Freedom, Happy”
8.The Mystery of A Slanted Black StripeScandinavian Liberal Paradise“What color is your stripe?”
9.The Ancient City-State of LyontisiaLeft-Leaning College State“Everything In Moderation”
10.The Republic of Haha458Moralistic Democracy“Duty, Power, Victory”
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