The Bongos UnitedWorld Census

The Highest Poor Incomes in The Bongos United

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

As a region, The Bongos United is ranked 25,896th in the world for Highest Poor Incomes.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Bongian Islamic States of United Bongo States of the New AmericaLeft-wing Utopia“One Allah, One Bongo, One Nation!”
2.The Bahá'í and Bábism States of Bud Bundy The Grandmaster Of AllPsychotic Dictatorship“The path to guidance is one of love and compassion”
3.The Rogue Nation of BSN61Moralistic Democracy“A lo áspero por las estrellas”
4.The Regime Elementary School of The New LBSAPsychotic Dictatorship“Cultivating Brilliance In Every Child.”
5.The Republic of Loco TownMoralistic Democracy“loco”
6.The Kingdom of NinethouFather Knows Best State“Eastern Green Mamba”
7.The Rogue Nation of RadioheadInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ambition Makes You Look Pretty Ugly”
8.The People's Haredi Tribe of -Kai-Tyranny by Majority“Wherever we live is our homeland.”
9.The Animals' Republic of King Bongo The SecondLiberal Democratic Socialists“Monkeys have nothing to lose but their cages!”
10.The House of Cards of Kaartenhuis28Iron Fist Consumerists“Don't get lost in the shuffle!”
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