The BattleboxWorld Census

The Nudest in The Battlebox

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

As a region, The Battlebox is ranked 23,243rd in the world for Nudest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of SplatterIron Fist Consumerists“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
2.The Republic of Mega TentoIron Fist Consumerists“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
3.The Republic of -Banshee-Moralistic Democracy“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
4.The Republic of Preying MantisCorrupt Dictatorship“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
5.The Republic of Bucktooth BurlFather Knows Best State“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
6.The Republic of Mecha RampageAuthoritarian Democracy“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
7.The Republic of EmulsifierPsychotic Dictatorship“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
8.The Republic of HiJinxCorrupt Dictatorship“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
9.The Republic of -Riptide-Authoritarian Democracy“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
10.The Republic of BattleSawDemocratic Socialists“It's Robot Fighting Time!”
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