The Bar on the corner of every regionWorld Census

The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in The Bar on the corner of every region

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

As a region, The Bar on the corner of every region is ranked 8,730th in the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United Socialist Republic of The Dark AetherFather Knows Best State“Equality for everyone and we shall stay Motivated”
2.The Most Serene Republic of UrlendiaDemocratic Socialists“popping pills like zits”
3.The Grand Combine of Naval MonteCivil Rights Lovefest“Nothing is true, everything is permitted”
4.The Explosive Bolognaise of Princes Risborough and its RepublicsLeft-Leaning College State“If you telegram, I will only respond about a week later”
5.The Redwood Bureau Division of AedanicaFather Knows Best State“Never trust a man with a mile long smile.”
6.The Soviet Socialist Republic of TchaikoveskyCorrupt Dictatorship“Workers of the world, unite!”
7.The Multiversal EasyGoing Entity of ChronialDemocratic Socialists“Pathei Mathos”
8.The SociallyAwkward Bar Waitress of ArcticfoxxoCivil Rights Lovefest“The bond's Name. James NameBondName's the james.Bames”
9.The Forested Area of The Last Abode of PandoDemocratic Socialists“Trees Are Better Than People”
10.The Nomadic Peoples of Tinny TimNew York Times Democracy“Surely someone will adopt me now!”
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