The Bar on the corner of every regionWorld Census

The Most Extreme in The Bar on the corner of every region

The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are.

As a region, The Bar on the corner of every region is ranked 14,032nd in the world for Most Extreme.

NationWA CategoryMotto
81.The Type of JineaMoralistic Democracy“motto”
82.The Local Constabulary of Nineteenth Century PoliceMoralistic Democracy“Facta Non Verba”
83.The Kingdom of Holdens WayInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Great Basin rattlesnake”
84.The Most Serene Republic of UrlendiaDemocratic Socialists“popping pills like zits”
85.The People's Republic of San DogsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Man's Best Friend”
86.The Queendom of The BarmaidCapitalist Paradise“Moon, Friendship, NationStates, Brains”
87.The Carwash Queen of The Wandering-LamborghiniInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Going around the world reviewing carwashes in nations!”
88.The Full Fat Fuel-Injection of A Full English BreakfastInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Breakfast of Kings”
89.The Glitchy Weapon on the Bar of Sheikah SlateFather Knows Best State“I am error”
90.The Republic of RunkaniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Twirling Toward Freedom”
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