Right to LifeWorld Census

The Most Inclusive in Right to Life

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, Right to Life is ranked 24,825th in the world for Most Inclusive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Confederation of Catholic CANZUKTyranny by Majority“Duty, Honour, Courage”
12.The Free Territory of Christian AnarchistsLeft-Leaning College State“Our rule is the works of mercy”
13.The Federation of Floppland FederationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“A Lot of Meat, Little Dough”
14.The Republic of NorthernPesosNew York Times Democracy“Money answereth all things.”
15.The Loving Couple of 4rt-F4n-Iron Fist Consumerists“Lumity”
16.The Commonwealth of TeresarInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Death to Tyranny! Long Live Democracy!”
17.The People's Republic of UCRPDemocratic Socialists“Equality, freedom, fraternity”
18.The Empire of MarioskingdomDemocratic Socialists“Woohoo lets a go”
19.The Kingdom of AmeloAuthoritarian Democracy“Unity, Brotherhood, Security”
20.The Republic of HalavanCapitalist Paradise“You Can't Stop Progress”
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