PalatineWorld Census

The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in Palatine

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Palatine is ranked 9,865th in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Sultanate of Tentacles 81Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“By The People For The People”
2.The Kingdom of VenesselandIron Fist Consumerists“Gud bevare kongen og Veneße”
3.The Realm of Weser AmatlandIron Fist Consumerists“Fides nos portat, fides nos tuetur.”
4.The Dictatorship of OritolCorporate Police State“Death is a compromise”
5.The Principality of Drue UniaAuthoritarian Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
6.The Holy Empire of Timothy 6Psychotic Dictatorship“Timothee Chalamet is our savior.”
7.The Grand Kingdom of MlociniakikInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Peace, Justice and Order is what we Strive for.”
8.The People's Republic of ArcnurDemocratic Socialists“Freedom or death!”
9.The Federal Republic of BartessaniumNew York Times Democracy“The more you know,more you think”
10.The Empire of WordionFather Knows Best State“Only in the Wordion Empire, you make money by speaking.”
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