NovapaxWorld Census

The Most Eco-Friendly Governments in Novapax

The following governments spend the greatest amounts on environmental issues. This may not always be reflected in the quality of that nation's environment.

As a region, Novapax is ranked 1,919th in the world for Most Eco-Friendly Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Democratic Republic of IzmeduLeft-wing Utopia“Drante ufanje, mi smo vim”
2.The United Provinces of DarkmaniaLeft-Leaning College State“Viget unitatis noster.”
3.The Kingdom of BrowzantineCorrupt Dictatorship“Rex una, Patria una, Populus multum”
4.The Republic of MercediniCivil Rights Lovefest“ad augusta per angusta”
5.The Republic of Taeseon of GenkianiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Hongik Ingan”
6.The Federal Monarchy of DjeuslandDemocratic Socialists“Vive somnium tuum”
7.The United States of South BatokoLeft-Leaning College State“We are one!”
8.The Rexubliqué Ultimæverté of EstogiumInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Live Life!”
9.The Republic of WazekiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Mohir es Kalas”
10.The Confederation of CarrelieInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Victoire en paix”