NationStatesWorld Census

The Largest Black Market in NationStates

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, NationStates is ranked 206th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Mikes Hope Essence of MikeswillAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
2.The Peace and Love Child of Mikes TruthAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
3.The Enlightened Journalism of Editor-In-ChiefAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
4.The Duncan MacLeod Immortality of The Highlander 1Anarchy“In The End, There Can Only Be One”
5.The Split Personalities of Sybil LAnarchy“Awaken Your Minds”
6.The Beautiful Nation of Amor y Paz de MiguelAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
7.The Delicious Aroma of Utmost BrowniesAnarchy“We Melt Thy Heart”
8.The Meditations of Happy GilmourAnarchy“That was Zen; This is Tao”
9.The 1883 Flagship Institution of TheUniversity of TexasAnarchy“Hook 'em Horns”
10.The NationStates Ambassador of Islas MiguelAnarchy“Love Conquers Fear”
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