MHBs New EarthWorld Census

The Largest Insurance Industry in MHBs New Earth

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, MHBs New Earth is ranked 11,242nd in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The TOO BIG TO RIG of Wisterian Donald TrumpCorporate Police State“You're fired!”
32.The Commonwealth of Milkshake Hyperspace BusinessCompulsory Consumerist State“Do not underestimate a man with a milkshake!”
33.The Naval Junta of TechnomMoralistic Democracy“Bear on a raft!”
34.The United States of KerralithFree-Market Paradise“Kerralith Reborn y Eterna !”
35.The Cirussian Republic of Bando-GorraCompulsory Consumerist State“We are totally Prion-Cirus, not a Cartel”
36.The People's Republic of Jameson B AndersonIron Fist Consumerists“They're starving the children!”
37.The Do-Gooder of ShaunCivil Rights Lovefest“Let's go to the Winchester”
38.The Holy Empire of WilsontownNew York Times Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
39.The Federal Republic of CrimeanAuthoritarian Democracy“Prosperity, Advancement, Economy!”
40.The Military Triumvirate of Macimo-RongorFather Knows Best State“People, Duty, Liberty”
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