LiberlandiaWorld Census

The Most Compassionate Citizens in Liberlandia

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Liberlandia is ranked 23,314th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Republic of Kosher Card Farmer 2Compulsory Consumerist State“Citizens of Israel, we are at war – not in an operation”
52.The Republic of GrowlandFree-Market Paradise“Produce cog and do it efficiently”
53.The Community of BottumsupAuthoritarian Democracy“To protect the people!”
54.The People's Republic of Workers SiberiaPsychotic Dictatorship“At last ends the age of Can't”
55.The Republic of Kosher Card Farmer 1Free-Market Paradise“We did not think that Nasser wanted war”
56.The Industrious States of GebosoMoralistic Democracy“If you're not convinced, then you'll get left behind”
57.The Matriarché of That reborn placeIron Fist Consumerists“Rebirth, for all Amazonian girls!”
58.The White-Bellied n' Fishy Hover of Genus SalmoneaIron Fist Consumerists“Swim Together, Prosper Together!”
59.The Federal Republic of The Jewnited States of MuricaCapitalist Paradise“E Pluribus Jewnum”
60.The United Kingdom of ThercusInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You're not truly free until you're in Thercus”