LazarusWorld Census

The Most Pacifist in Lazarus

Nations ranked highly pursue diplomatic solutions rather than military ones in the international arena, have small or nonexistent militaries, and peace-loving citizens.

As a region, Lazarus is ranked 19,200th in the world for Most Pacifist.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Benevolent Queendom of Divine CervineDemocratic Socialists“Where the deer’s swift leap startles the wild bee”
2.The Constitutional Monarchy of RushkavilleDemocratic Socialists“Generic Motto That Will Always Mean Nothing”
3.The Holy Kingdom of JoacoLiberal Democratic Socialists“Para servir y proteger”
4.The Equal Opportunity Nation of MoftanDemocratic Socialists“Come to never leave.”
5.The Republic of Future CascadiaDemocratic Socialists“We Succeed United”
6.The Commonwealth of CaptiotiaLeft-wing Utopia“All for One, One for All”
7.The Royal Monarchy of Glowing DiamondsScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ab intra”
8.The Kingdom of WilvaniaPsychotic Dictatorship“The Show Must Go On”
9.The Peace Loving Nation of Berzerkeley CaliforniaCivil Rights Lovefest“Make love, not war”
10.The Socialist Republic of Scandinavian StockholmDemocratic Socialists“Equality, happiness, and unity!”
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