LazarusWorld Census

The Most Valuable International Artwork in Lazarus

Some nations attempt to collect signature artworks of other nations, developing collections known as "decks." The World Census has estimated their value.

As a region, Lazarus is ranked 2,170th in the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.

NationWA CategoryMotto
12,971.The Republic of FlowerbergsCivil Rights Lovefest“Twirling Toward Freedom”
12,972.The Republic of ForrestbergsCivil Rights Lovefest“Twirling Toward Freedom”
12,973.The Republic of McGroartyCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
12,974.The Republic of North MatheoCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
12,975.The Republic of Eastern MatheoCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
12,976.The Republic of Canadian MatheoCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
12,977.The Republic of Anguillan MatheoCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
12,978.The Republic of Bahamian MatheoCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
12,979.The Commonwealth of CaloswayAuthoritarian Democracy“Perseverancia a través de desafíos y dificultades.”
12,980.The Republic of Starfield IIInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Might Makes Right”
«12. . .1,2951,2961,2971,2981,2991,3001,301. . .1,5831,584»