LazarusWorld Census

The Most Valuable International Artwork in Lazarus

Some nations attempt to collect signature artworks of other nations, developing collections known as "decks." The World Census has estimated their value.

As a region, Lazarus is ranked 2,124th in the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.

NationWA CategoryMotto
12,751.The Federal Republic of LesleyConservative Democracy“Abc”
12,752.The Community of NominalationDemocratic Socialists“Judg not lest ye be autocorrected”
12,753.The Lake of BalatonCivil Rights Lovefest“Lángos mindenkinek”
12,754.The Principality of NatinghamIron Fist Consumerists“Peace and Justice”
12,755.The Confederacy of UatinghamPsychotic Dictatorship“Pride and Industry”
12,756.The Well don't of Dont eject this fenda sleeper 7Psychotic Dictatorship“”
12,757.The Democratic Republic of AngloriaaNew York Times Democracy“Sumus”
12,758.The United States of Lots of CapitalismLeft-wing Utopia“Capitalism? Sorry, all we have here is socialism”
12,759.The Divine and Majestic Empire of LoziIron Fist Socialists“Heathens fear our march!”
12,760.The Well don't of Dont eject this fenda sleeper 17Conservative Democracy“”
«12. . .1,2731,2741,2751,2761,2771,2781,279. . .1,6371,638»