International Northwestern UnionWorld Census

The Best Weather in International Northwestern Union

The following nations were determined to have the best all-round weather.

As a region, International Northwestern Union is ranked 664th in the world for Best Weather.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The Republic of IchoriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“By the stars above”
12.The American Republic of DivadlandNew York Times Democracy“What is diversity if there isn’t diversity of thought?”
13.The Ladder in the Pool of Life of EstRADiaLeft-Leaning College State“What's your escape?”
14.The Armed Commonwealth of Midland South StatesScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Solidarity begets victory!”
15.The World of Sophia LuciaNew York Times Democracy“World Recod Holder”
16.The Republic of Hock22Left-Leaning College State“Destroy My Empire, Daddy”
17.The Community of Lytse HuttenDemocratic Socialists“Fraach alles”
18.The Northern Confederate State of MallaskaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Yield Hell”
19.The Virtuous Republic of IllmaaCivil Rights Lovefest“Fortitudo Et Victoria”
20.The Federal Republic of CentrodestriaCorporate Bordello“Principles and Pragmatism”