Greater Hanguardian IslandsWorld Census

The Largest Black Market in Greater Hanguardian Islands

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, Greater Hanguardian Islands is ranked 23,291st in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dominion of AltainiaCorporate Police State“Profit at any cost”
2.The Republic of Concrete slab is jesus 4Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Concrete slab is literally jesus”
3.The Republic of New PsykotikaPsychotic Dictatorship“FOR LIBERTY!”
4.The Holy Empire of Lower San NotinapinomorponPsychotic Dictatorship“Nah”
5.The Community of LukeslandiLeft-Leaning College State“By The People For The People”
6.The United States of Unified States of OceaniaRight-wing Utopia“United together Oceania will never fall!”
7.The Republic of HUR 9Authoritarian Democracy“Oh, Yeahhh.”
8.The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda710Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Now available at your local game store!”
9.The Jingoistic States of Vice President VanceCorporate Police State“Might Makes Right”
10.The Communist Regime of FanaldogradIron Fist Consumerists“Our land”
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