ForestWorld Census

The Most Developed in Forest

The World Census compiles a "Human Development Index" by measuring citizens' average life expectancy, education, and income.

As a region, Forest is ranked 3,213th in the world for Most Developed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Northern Lands of EinswennScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Towards the New Adventures!”
22.The United Sovereign Queendoms of RhodevusScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ad Victoriam”
23.The Royal State of DaarwyrthCivil Rights Lovefest“May the Seas protect what we are”
24.The Incorporated States of TerrabodIron Fist Socialists“PLEASE • STAND • BY”
25.The Arboreal Republic of New LadaviaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Fortitudinem per Sapientia”
26.The Emerald Forest of EryndlyndLeft-wing Utopia“Before grace, subsistence. Before nobility, survival.”
27.The Sarcasm Tag of CanaltiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ayo shoutout the homies in Ukraine”
28.The Liberal Tropical Emirates of Velkia and the IslandsScandinavian Liberal Paradise“For Freedom!”
29.The United Realms of CalenmorLeft-wing Utopia“Elmelain!”
30.The Blue Skyed Republic of PrusmiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“The world sucks, but hey, we're still here.”
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