ForestWorld Census

The Most Advanced Public Transport in Forest

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, Forest is ranked 1,472nd in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The United Realms of CalenmorLeft-wing Utopia“Elmelain!”
12.The Kingdom of BacopaAuthoritarian Democracy“Bacopa forever”
13.The Beauty Land of BilsaIron Fist Consumerists“Pray The Goddess”
14.The Benevolent Dictatorship of The United Capital of AdamScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Under one, for all”
15.The Enchantment of ReanniaCorrupt Dictatorship“Autumn Shall Never Fall”
16.The Easter VrijStaat of OwnzoneInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Somewhere over the Friendship”
17.The Republic of EffazioScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ad maius bonum”
18.The Pristine Wilderness of Yeldan Nature PreserveDemocratic Socialists“Let us return to the trees, my brothers!”
19.The Emerald Forest of EryndlyndLeft-wing Utopia“Before grace, subsistence. Before nobility, survival.”
20.The CUP-Eladeni Isocracy of Liberal LiberalsLeft-wing Utopia“Can't we all just get along? Eladen Rep”
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