ForestWorld Census

The Highest Average Tax Rates in Forest

Although some nations have a flat tax rate for all citizens while others tax the rich more heavily than the poor, the World Census used averages to rank the world's most taxing governments.

As a region, Forest is ranked 4,070th in the world for Highest Average Tax Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
31.The Northern Lands of EinswennLeft-wing Utopia“Towards the New Adventures!”
32.The Non-Recursively Enumerable Set of SherpDaWerpBenevolent Dictatorship“Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times...”
33.The Pacific Alpine Commonwealth of Mount SeymourLeft-wing Utopia“Circumspice”
34.The Arachnate of Forniphiliac Limbo of InabilisPsychotic Dictatorship“*guttural screeches*”
35.The Arboreal Republic of New LadaviaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Fortitudinem per Sapientia”
36.The Most Serene Eco-Republic of Middle BaraelScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Knowledge, Nature, Peace, and Order make a Golden Age”
37.The Resurrection Bunny Farms of Miskunn SystursinsScandinavian Liberal Paradise“When Mercy Seasons Justice”
38.The Deep Ecosphere of Blue NagiaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“[Untranslateable dragon noises.]”
39.The Allied States of EsterildDemocratic Socialists“Live Free and Green”
40.The Sweetwater Confederation of Great Lakes MunicipalitiesLeft-wing Utopia“Sunny skies, crashing seas”
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