ForestWorld Census

The Longest Average Lifespans in Forest

Nations ranked highly have lower rates of preventable death, with their citizens enjoying longer average lifespans.

As a region, Forest is ranked 3,348th in the world for Longest Average Lifespans.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of EffazioScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ad maius bonum”
22.The Northern Lands of EinswennScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Adventure of the North”
23.The Equatorial Forests of Uan aa BoaDemocratic Socialists“The answer must be in the attempt”
24.The Most Serene Republic of ColumbiqashScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Veni, Vidi, Vici, Vitisquish”
25.The Most Serene Eco-Republic of Middle BaraelScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Knowledge, Nature, Peace, and Order make a Golden Age”
26.The Kingdom of The Black ForrestInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Where's Momo?”
27.The United Sovereign Queendoms of RhodevusScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Ad Victoriam”
28.The Royal State of DaarwyrthCivil Rights Lovefest“May the Seas protect what we are”
29.The Incorporated States of TerrabodIron Fist Socialists“PLEASE • STAND • BY”
30.The Arboreal Republic of New LadaviaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Fortitudinem per Sapientia”
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