ForestWorld Census

The Largest Welfare Programs in Forest

Governments ranked highly spend the most on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

As a region, Forest is ranked 1,332nd in the world for Largest Welfare Programs.

NationWA CategoryMotto
291.The Oak Trees of Great HautboisIron Fist Consumerists“Hard Cheese Old Boy!”
292.The Putrid Slime of Toxic LoveIron Fist Consumerists“Flowers and Trees Depress and Frankly Bore Me”
293.The Healthy United Empire of Obvile KiatopiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“From Many, One”
294.The Commonwealth of PaxmaslanaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Preserving the Planet”
295.The Lucky Eco Green Colony of Texas JaguarundiDemocratic Socialists“Texas' Lucky Ambassador to Forest”
296.The Nomadic Peoples of Dusty SandalsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Shake the dust from your feet at them!”
297.The Green Power of Erhnam DjinnPsychotic Dictatorship“3G”
298.The Distance Measurement of The MeterCorporate Police State“5000000m”
299.The Empire of Carolean DynastyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mettle and Ire (Friendship of the Nationstates)”
300.The Amor Fati of York ZioniaNew York Times Democracy“Astra Castra, Numen Lumen”
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