ForestWorld Census

The Largest Governments in Forest

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Forest is ranked 1,608th in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Pacific Alpine Commonwealth of Mount SeymourLeft-wing Utopia“Circumspice”
42.The Tiny Village of FartsniffageLeft-wing Utopia“What have we learned?”
43.The Arachnate of Forniphiliac Limbo of InabilisPsychotic Dictatorship“*guttural screeches*”
44.The Amor Fati of York ZioniaNew York Times Democracy“Astra Castra, Numen Lumen”
45.The Allied States of EsterildDemocratic Socialists“Live Free and Green”
46.The Ancient Cetarium of ShinrogiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Shinrog Eternitas!”
47.The Betrygge Rāvenriket of NordustraLeft-wing Utopia“Vede kōmedde már i slussde eg står for velstarnār!”
48.The Most Serene Republic of ColumbiqashScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Veni, Vidi, Vici, Vitisquish”
49.The Most Serene Eco-Republic of Middle BaraelScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Knowledge, Nature, Peace, and Order make a Golden Age”
50.The Resurrection Bunny Farms of Miskunn SystursinsScandinavian Liberal Paradise“When Mercy Seasons Justice”
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