ForestWorld Census

The Largest Governments in Forest

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Forest is ranked 1,611th in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of EffazioLeft-wing Utopia“Ad maius bonum”
22.The World Machine of Shwe Tu ColonyLiberal Democratic Socialists“identify every fandom in my flag”
23.The United Realms of CalenmorLeft-wing Utopia“Elmelain!”
24.The Pro Ukraine Windowmakers of Window LandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Equality is good”
25.The Confederacy of KawastyselirLeft-wing Utopia“In love, all are free”
26.The Concordant Stratum of The Cypher NineDemocratic Socialists“Each of us is a key”
27.The People of BelezaLeft-wing Utopia“🌴🥥🍉🍍🍌🥑🍊🍅🥭🍈🥒🥕🥬🌻🌱🌳🌿🌅🌈🏝️”
28.The Mercurial World of Isbjorn Maerenne Bava PaeraniPsychotic Dictatorship“How could I doubt the obvious?”
29.The Northern Lands of EinswennScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Towards the New Adventures!”
30.The United Mangrove Archipelago of RansiumDemocratic Socialists“Semper Virens”
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