FlanelistanWorld Census

The Most Cultured in Flanelistan

After spending many tedious hours in coffee shops and concert halls, World Census experts have found the following nations to be the most cultured.

As a region, Flanelistan is ranked 7,649th in the world for Most Cultured.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Socialist Kingdom of ClaudinistanTyranny by Majority“Deus e a classe trabalhadora guiarão a nação!”
2.The Ρεινο Υντερναλ Σατανικό of Sudlich KaizerPsychotic Dictatorship“Saúde Satã!”
3.The República Federal of CruzeiroDoSulFather Knows Best State“Ordem e Unidade”
4.The People's Republic of TogonDemocratic Socialists“ser pobre é intankavel”
5.The Reino of Reinado BrasileiroFather Knows Best State“Para o Bem do Povo!”
6.The United Federation of VastralandsAnarchy“United We Stand, Divided We Fall”
7.The Federal Republic of Alto IpirangaLeft-Leaning College State“Liberdade, Progresso e Justiça”
8.The Free Land of RubeckInoffensive Centrist Democracy“A little order, a little chaos”
9.The People's Republic of LagartixistanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Clama nunc rideat postea”
10.The Community of Neo BhutanAnarchy“No!”
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