EuropeiaWorld Census

The Most Advanced Public Education in Europeia

Fresh-faced World Census agents infiltrated schools with varying degrees of success in order to determine which nations had the most widespread, well-funded, and advanced public education programs.

As a region, Europeia is ranked 5,045th in the world for Most Advanced Public Education.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of Darenraman NasanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Pride and Industry”
22.The Stimulated Nation of CaffeinatedCivil Rights Lovefest“Sleep is for the weak”
23.The United Socialist States of P0ptr0picaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“sorry im like never online lmfaooo. endorse me tho pls”
24.The Supine Socialist Slothland of MaowiCivil Rights Lovefest“Lethargy, Languor, Laziness!”
25.The Awkward Adages of GeektopiaMoralistic Democracy“Humannknd is in danger we should BRAWL”
26.The Free Land of AkelandLeft-wing Utopia“Grrr”
27.The Void of Precisely NothingAnarchy“Nihil valet ad pugnam! (Nothing is Worth Fighting For!)”
28.The Most Serene Republic of SartariaLeft-wing Utopia“Freedom through solidarity”
29.The Democratic Republic of Cortlandt ManorDemocratic Socialists“Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes.”
30.The Kingdom of EmalaniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“In turbine enim pertendit”
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