EuropeiaWorld Census

The Most Compassionate Citizens in Europeia

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Europeia is ranked 4,309th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Social Republic of UnisteiaNew York Times Democracy“A beacon for the future.”
22.The Free Land of AkelandLeft-wing Utopia“Grrr”
23.The Citizen's Republic of New IslingtonDemocratic Socialists“Mottos are Stupid”
24.The Kongeriket of United Northen States CanadaDemocratic Socialists“Alt for vårt rike, vårt land, vår konge”
25.The Seventh Reich of NordegardLeft-Leaning College State“We are made of stars”
26.The Republic of Darenraman NasanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Pride and Industry”
27.The Democratic Republic of Cortlandt ManorDemocratic Socialists“Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes.”
28.The Democratic Republic of Louck VolligemonarytopiaCivil Rights Lovefest“Twirling Toward Freedom”
29.The United Federation of AnarborousLeft-wing Utopia“Animus In Consulendo Liber”
30.The Big Family of VlazinovaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Everyone is relative”
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