EuropeiaWorld Census

The Most Secular in Europeia

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, Europeia is ranked 5,100th in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Confederation of The Steam-GardensLeft-wing Utopia“Une vie sans rêves est une vie sans sens.”
62.The Sultanate of AnastopoulistanPsychotic Dictatorship“Kill everyone who is against our Leader”
63.The Federal Republic of BestenfallsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freiheit, Chance und Gleichheit”
64.The Citizen's Republic of New IslingtonDemocratic Socialists“Mottos are Stupid”
65.The Republic of SybarilCivil Rights Lovefest“All that glitters is gold!”
66.The Democratic Republic of PtakriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Slava Ukraini!”
67.The Queendom of Brasilian GirlPsychotic Dictatorship“Summer its on!”
68.The Allied States of LuxcrestLiberal Democratic Socialists“Glory and Light”
69.The Republic of New CeoCorrupt Dictatorship“Per aspera ad astra”
70.The Commonwealth of Union PrincesCorrupt Dictatorship“Our Own Blood, Bullets, and Bandages!”
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