EuropeiaWorld Census

The Most Secular in Europeia

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, Europeia is ranked 5,100th in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
51.The Аколониақәа ааба of Name 0Psychotic Dictatorship“Ауарбажәқәа аҵарақәа роуп, Мистер Го.”
52.The Secret Republic of JuliuspuraInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mornie utulie”
53.The Ceremonial Kaiserreich of Germanium Imperial EmpireInoffensive Centrist Democracy“This democracy will be crowned under the Hohenzollerns”
54.The Blossom of SanjurikaCorrupt Dictatorship“If I never changed would you love me?”
55.The Kingdom of LievenlandDemocratic Socialists“For Life, Liberty And Justice”
56.The Democratic Republic of VlaskaCorrupt Dictatorship“Its not who votes its who counts the votes”
57.The Empire of PeopleiPsychotic Dictatorship“For King And Empire”
58.The Confederacy of Mutualist American RepublicsCivil Rights Lovefest“Order without Power”
59.The Lethadone Clinic of DrecqLeft-Leaning College State“Nihil Sine Justitia”
60.The Dominion of Ters KhusDemocratic Socialists“Possumus, Volumus, Fecimus”
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