EuropeiaWorld Census

The Most Subsidized Industry in Europeia

Nations ranked highly spend the most on developing and supporting industry, a practice known as 'corporate welfare.'

As a region, Europeia is ranked 6,695th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1,291.The Empire of Rex Regum SkylandMoralistic Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
1,292.The Republic of RustishCivil Rights Lovefest“In god we trust”
1,293.The Empire of Soviet OnionatersCivil Rights Lovefest“Nos sumus sigma cepae Sovieticae Utopiana”
1,294.The Constitutional Monarchy of Serbian CarstvoRight-wing Utopia“Deeds speak, not speeches”
1,295.The United States of LebabaAnarchy“Baba crawl”
1,296.The United States of European YankedoomCivil Rights Lovefest“Non ducor, duco”
1,297.The Holy Empire of SpirteactavatNew York Times Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
1,298.The Holy Empire of GenatraNew York Times Democracy“Christ is King”
1,299.The People's Republic of Unfed LouctonskNew York Times Democracy“From Many, One”
1,300.The Continental Federation of United Sovereign RepublicsNew York Times Democracy“All Men are Brothers”
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