EuropeWorld Census

The Most World Assembly Endorsements in Europe

World Census staff pored through World Assembly records to determine which nations were the most endorsed by others in their region.

As a region, Europe is ranked 1st in the world for Most World Assembly Endorsements.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Villainous Globalist Kittehs of Imperium AnglorumLeft-Leaning College State“Dicimus pro populo”
2.The Autocratic Empire of WalfoLeft-wing Utopia“One flag, One land, One heart, One Nation Evermore!”
3.The Pink Holy Lucky Christmas of Western BalkaniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Moon Friendship Brains”
4.The Retired Delegate of AlstedInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United As One”
5.The Armed States of SkalliadLeft-wing Utopia“One Nation, many weapons, a single goal”
6.The Federal Capitalist Republic of KronvergInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Small Nation, Big Culture”
7.The Imperial Kingdom of IceageaDemocratic Socialists“Its a bit chilly”
8.The Most Venerable Polis of OrtigiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Polis Ortigia imperat Maria”
9.The Federation of BastileAnarchy“amour et force dans l'égalité”
10.The Federal Kingdom of NardinLeft-Leaning College State“Var Narthi Vencetek Elāvik”
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