EuropeWorld Census

The Largest Governments in Europe

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Europe is ranked 3,183rd in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1,551.The Republic of IsvetorialandCorporate Bordello“Unity, Work, Progress”
1,552.The Federal Republic of Eastern LestriaAnarchy“Death and destruction”
1,553.The Reino Unido of QuincyAnarchy“Deus, Pátria, Rei, Fidelidade”
1,554.The Unnamed Individual of European RyllandAnarchy“Grrr”
1,555.The Democratic Union of DimwitsNew York Times Democracy“In god we believe in”
1,556.The Republic of Yeni VenedikCorporate Bordello“Birlik, Disiplin, Çalışma”
1,557.The Free Land of BEEG YOSHICapitalizt“In New York I Milly Rock”
1,558.The Free Land of Severna MakedonijaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Freedom”
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