Devide by ZeroWorld Census

The Nudest in Devide by Zero

After exhaustive surveys, the World Census calculated which nations have the greatest acreages of flesh on public display.

As a region, Devide by Zero is ranked 22,992nd in the world for Nudest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The TTT of TTTMoralistic Democracy“Liberty”
2.The Concertmaster of Stuffed stuffingNew York Times Democracy“all the world's a stage-”
3.The Huntress of Summer-RoseLeft-Leaning College State“White Like Roses.”
4.The Rogue Organization of We Are Not the NATOLeft-wing Utopia“Animus in consulendo liber”
5.The Holy Empire of JadeeAnarchy“Might Makes Right”
6.The Rogue Service of We Are Not The SISScandinavian Liberal Paradise“N/A”
7.The Christmas Tree States of NiomezScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Seeing is believing”
8.The Totally Not a Narc of We Are Not The DEAAnarchy“You do drugs. We do thugs.”
9.The Loving Couple of F4nArtInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Lumity”
10.The Rogue Service of We Are Not The MI6New York Times Democracy“Semper Occultus”
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