DeclansburgWorld Census

The Most Compassionate Citizens in Declansburg

Exhaustive World Census tests involving kittens revealed the following nations to be the most compassionate.

As a region, Declansburg is ranked 1,980th in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
71.The Dáxlamic Blufflands of JumbalyaDemocratic Socialists“Entrusted with the power to protect.”
72.The Alpine Dáxlamic Principality of Sierra AlansaDemocratic Socialists“From the mountains, let it ring!”
73.The Dáxlamic Metropolia of San CaraDemocratic Socialists“Defend the weak!”
74.The Dáxlamic Missions of JosphoriaDemocratic Socialists“¡A la Dảxlam!”
75.The Holy Dáxlamic Commonwealth of MiamanosCorrupt Dictatorship“The Future Abounds!”
76.The Kingdom of JohannesborgNew York Times Democracy“Johannesborg shall never dissipate”
77.The Free Dáxlamic City-State of ClandestinopleFather Knows Best State“A la Dáxlam!”
78.The Solemn Grounds of RehaviaDemocratic Socialists“In Service of the Evergreen Republic”
79.The Dáxlamic Blestshires of BerrybrookDemocratic Socialists“Building prosperity!”
80.The Dáxlamic Chorepiscopate of JordanyaDemocratic Socialists“Uplift the spirits of the gentle hearted.”
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